Using words which begin with "r" in a sentence
Click on a word below, and a list of sentences using the word will be shown.
- ra
- rab
- raban
- rabbi
- rabbit
- rabbits
- rabble
- rabelais
- rabid
- rabidly
- raccoons
- raccourci
- rachel
- rachette
- racial
- racine
- racing
- rack
- racked
- racket
- racketing
- racking
- racks
- racllyi
- racy
- rada
- radiance
- radiancy
- radiant
- radiantly
- radiate
- radiated
- radiating
- radiations
- radiator
- radiators
- radical
- radicalism
- radically
- radicals
- radii
- radishes
- radisson
- radius
- radnor
- raevski
- rafe
- raft
- rafter
- rafters
- rafts
- raftsmen
- rag
- ragamuffins
- rage
- raged
- rages
- ragged
- raggedest
- raggedness
- raght
- raging
- ragings
- raglan
- rags
- ragsdale
- rag-tag
- ragtime
- rahel
- rahib
- rahway
- raid
- raided
- raider
- raiders
- raiding
- raids
- raikes
- rail
- railed
- rail-head
- railing
- railings
- raillery
- railroad
- rail-road
- railroading
- railroads
- railrud
- rails
- rail-splitter
- railway
- railway-men
- railways
- railway-station
- railway-track
- railway-train
- raiment
- rain
- rainbow
- rainbowed
- rainbows
- raindrops
- rain-drops
- rained
- raines
- rainfall
- rainguesson
- raining
- rainless
- rain-proof
- rains
- rain-soaked
- rainstorm
- rain-storm
- rain-washed
- rainwater
- rain-water
- rainy
- raise
- raised
- raises
- raish
- raising
- raisins
- raison
- raithu
- rajah
- rajahs
- rake
- raked
- rakes
- raking
- raleigh
- rallied
- rallies
- ralls
- rally
- rallying
- ralph
- ram
- ramadan
- ramballe
- ramble
- rambled
- rambles
- rambling
- rameri
- ramesay
- rameses
- ramifications
- rammed
- rammer
- rampage
- rampant
- rampart
- ramparts
- ramrod
- ramrods
- rams
- ramsay
- ramshackle
- ramshackly
- ramsweg
- ran
- rana
- ranch
- rancher
- ranchers
- ranches
- ranching
- ranchman
- ranchmen
- rancid
- rancor
- rancour
- rand
- randall
- randlett
- randolph
- randolphs
- random
- rang
- range
- ranged
- rangely
- ranger
- rangers
- ranges
- ranging
- rank
- ranked
- ranker
- rankin
- ranking
- rankle
- rankled
- rankles
- rankling
- ranks
- ransack
- ransacked
- ransacking
- ransom
- ransome
- ransomed
- rant
- ranted
- ranting
- ranulph
- rao
- raoul
- raound
- rap
- rapacious
- rapacity
- rape
- raphael
- raphaels
- rapid
- rapidity
- rapidly
- rapids
- rapier
- rapiers
- rapine
- rapp
- rappahannock
- rapped
- rapping
- rappolstein
- rappolts
- rappoltstein
- rapport
- raps
- rapscallions
- rapt
- rapture
- raptures
- rapturous
- rapturously
- rare
- rarefied
- rarely
- rarer
- rare-ripe
- rarest
- rarities
- rarity
- rascal
- rascality
- rascally
- rascals
- rash
- rasher
- rashly
- rashness
- rasp
- raspberries
- raspberry
- rasped
- rasping
- rasps
- raspy
- rat
- ratchets
- ratcliff
- ratcliffe
- rate
- rated
- rates
- rathbone
- rather
- rat-holes
- rathskeller
- ratification
- ratified
- ratify
- rating
- ratio
- ratiocination
- ration
- rational
- rationalised
- rationally
- rations
- ratisbon
- rats
- rattan
- rat-tat-tat
- ratter
- rattle
- rattled
- rattler
- rattles
- rattlesnake
- rattlesnakes
- rattling
- ratty
- ratz
- ratzer
- raucous
- ravaging
- rave
- raved
- ravel
- raven
- ravening
- ravenna
- ravenous
- ravenously
- ravens
- ravine
- ravines
- raving
- ravings
- ravished
- ravishing
- ravishingly
- ravishment
- raw
- rawbone
- rawest
- rawhide
- raw-hide
- rawle
- rawley
- rawlinson
- ray
- rayed
- rayless
- raymond
- raynauld
- rays
- raz
- raze
- razed
- razor
- razors
- re
- reaccept
- reach
- reachable
- reached
- reaches
- reaching
- react
- reacted
- reacting
- reaction
- reactionaries
- reactionary
- reactions
- reacts
- read
- readable
- reader
- readers
- readier
- readily
- readiness
- reading
- reading-book
- reading-books
- reading-desk
- reading-matter
- reading-room
- readings
- reading-tour
- readjust
- readjusted
- readjustment
- readopt
- reads
- ready
- ready-made
- real
- real-estate
- realisation
- realise
- realised
- realises
- realising
- realism
- realist
- realistic
- realities
- reality
- realization
- realize
- realized
- realizes
- realizing
- really
- realm
- realms
- reams
- reap
- reaped
- reapers
- reaping
- reappear
- reappearance
- reappeared
- reappearing
- reappears
- reappointment
- rear
- rear-admiral
- reared
- rearguard
- rear-guard
- reargument
- rearing
- rearrange
- rearranged
- re-arranged
- rearrangements
- rearranging
- rears
- rearward
- reason
- reasonable
- reasonableness
- reasonably
- reasoned
- reasoning
- reasonings
- reasons
- reassemble
- reassembled
- reassert
- reasserted
- reassertion
- reassurance
- reassure
- reassured
- reassuring
- reassuringly
- reaumur
- rebates
- rebecca
- rebel
- rebelled
- rebelling
- rebellion
- rebellions
- rebellious
- rebelliousness
- rebels
- rebirth
- reborn
- rebound
- rebounds
- rebs
- rebuff
- rebuffed
- rebuffs
- rebuild
- rebuilding
- rebuilt
- rebuke
- rebuked
- rebukes
- rebuking
- rebukingly
- rebus
- recalcitrant
- recall
- recalled
- recalling
- recalls
- recapitulate
- recapitulated
- recapitulation
- recapture
- recaptured
- recast
- recede
- receded
- recedes
- receding
- receipt
- receipted
- receipts
- receive
- received
- receiver
- receivers
- receives
- receiving
- recent
- recently
- receptacle
- receptacles
- reception
- reception-hall
- reception-hour
- reception-room
- receptions
- receptive
- recess
- recesses
- recharter
- recht
- recipe
- recipes
- recipient
- recipients
- reciprocate
- reciprocated
- reciprocity
- recital
- recitation
- recitations
- recite
- recited
- reciter
- reciting
- recked
- reckless
- recklessly
- recklessness
- reckon
- reckoned
- reckoning
- reckons
- reclaim
- reclaimed
- reclaiming
- recline
- reclined
- reclining
- recluse
- recognise
- recognised
- recognises
- recognising
- recognition
- recognitions
- recognizable
- recognizably
- recognizance
- recognize
- recognized
- recognizes
- recognizing
- recoil
- recoiled
- recoils
- recollect
- recollected
- recollection
- recollections
- recollects
- recommenced
- recommend
- recommendation
- recommendations
- recommended
- recommending
- recommends
- recompense
- reconcile
- reconciled
- reconcilement
- reconciles
- reconciliation
- reconciling
- recondite
- reconnaissance
- reconnize
- reconnoiter
- reconnoitered
- reconnoitering
- reconnoitre
- reconquer
- reconquered
- reconsider
- reconsideration
- reconsidered
- reconstruct
- reconstructed
- reconstructing
- reconstruction
- record
- recorded
- recorder
- recording
- records
- recount
- recounted
- recounting
- recounts
- recoup
- recourse
- recover
- recovered
- recovering
- recovers
- recovery
- recreant
- recreate
- re-created
- recreation
- recreations
- recrimination
- recriminations
- recross
- recrossed
- recrossing
- recruit
- recruited
- recruiter
- recruiters
- recruiting
- recruits
- rectangular
- rectification
- rectified
- rectify
- rectitude
- rector
- rectorship
- rectory
- recumbent
- recuperate
- recur
- recurred
- recurrence
- recurrent
- recurring
- recurs
- red
- redan
- red-and-yellow
- red-bearded
- red-blooded
- red-bordered
- redbreasts
- red-bronze
- redbrook
- red-brown
- red-bud
- red-clay
- redcoats
- red-deer
- redden
- reddened
- reddening
- reddens
- redder
- reddest
- reddick
- redding
- reddish
- reddish-brown
- reddish-yellow
- rede
- redeem
- redeemable
- redeemed
- redeemer
- redeeming
- redemption
- redemptioner
- reden
- red-eyed
- red-faced
- red-gold
- red-haired
- red-handed
- red-headed
- red-hot
- redisposed
- red-light
- redly
- redness
- red-nosed
- redolent
- redoubled
- redoubt
- redoubtable
- redoubts
- redound
- redpath
- red-plush
- redress
- red-roofed
- reds
- redskin
- redskins
- red-spotted
- red-tiled
- reduce
- reduced
- reduces
- reducing
- reduction
- redundancy
- redundant
- reduplication
- reed
- reed-beds
- reeder
- reed-pen
- reeds
- reeducate
- reedy
- reef
- reefs
- reek
- reeked
- reeking
- reeks
- reel
- re-elect
- reelected
- re-elected
- reelection
- re-election
- reeled
- reeling
- reels
- reenforced
- re-enforced
- re-enforcement
- reenforcements
- re-enforcements
- reenforcing
- re-enter
- re-entered
- re-entering
- reese
- re-establish
- re-established
- reetchie
- refection
- refectory
- refer
- reference
- references
- referred
- referring
- refers
- refert
- refill
- refilled
- refilling
- refine
- refined
- refinement
- refinements
- refines
- refining
- refitted
- refitting
- reflect
- reflected
- reflecting
- reflection
- reflections
- reflective
- reflectively
- reflector
- reflectors
- reflects
- reflex
- refluent
- reform
- reformation
- reformatory
- reformed
- re-formed
- reformer
- reformers
- reforming
- reforms
- refracting
- refractory
- refrain
- refrained
- refraining
- refrains
- refresh
- refreshed
- refreshes
- refreshing
- refreshment
- refreshment-room
- refreshments
- refrigerator
- reft
- refuge
- refugee
- refugees
- refund
- refunded
- refunding
- refurnished
- refusal
- refusals
- refuse
- refused
- refuses
- refusing
- refutation
- refutations
- refute
- refuted
- refuting
- regain
- regained
- regaining
- regal
- regale
- regaled
- regalia
- regalis
- regall
- regard
- regarded
- regardez
- regardful
- regarding
- regardless
- regards
- regatta
- regency
- regenerate
- regeneration
- regenerator
- regent
- reggie
- regicide
- regime
- regimen
- regiment
- regimental
- regimentals
- regiments
- regina
- reginald
- region
- regional
- regions
- register
- registered
- registering
- registers
- registrar
- registrar-general
- registration
- registry
- reglar
- regnant
- regret
- regretful
- regretfully
- regrets
- regrettable
- regretted
- regretting
- regular
- regularity
- regularly
- regulars
- regulate
- regulated
- regulating
- regulation
- regulations
- rehabilitate
- rehabilitated
- rehabilitation
- rehearing
- rehearsal
- rehearsals
- rehearse
- rehearsed
- rehearsing
- reich
- reichelstorf
- reichenbach
- reichsrath
- reichstag
- reid
- reign
- reigned
- reigning
- reigns
- reimburse
- reimbursed
- rein
- reinaugurate
- reincarnated
- reincarnation
- reindeer
- reine
- reined
- reinforce
- reinforced
- reinforcement
- reinforcements
- reinforcing
- reining
- reins
- reinstate
- reinstated
- reinstatement
- reise
- reisetasche
- reissued
- reiterate
- reiterated
- reject
- rejected
- rejecting
- rejection
- rejects
- rejoice
- rejoiced
- rejoices
- rejoicing
- rejoicings
- rejoin
- rejoinder
- rejoined
- rejoining
- rejuvenated
- rejuvenation
- rekindle
- rekindled
- rekindling
- relapse
- relapsed
- relapses
- relapsing
- relate
- related
- relates
- relating
- relation
- relations
- relationship
- relationships
- relax
- relaxation
- relaxed
- relaxing
- relay
- relays
- release
- released
- releases
- releasing
- relegate
- relegated
- relent
- relented
- relenting
- relentless
- relentlessly
- relentlessness
- relevancy
- relevant
- reliable
- reliance
- relic
- relic-hunter
- relics
- relict
- relied
- relief
- relief-map
- reliefs
- relies
- relieve
- relieved
- relieves
- relieving
- relight
- religieuse
- religion
- religionists
- religions
- religiosa
- religious
- religiously
- religious-wise
- relinquish
- relinquished
- relinquishment
- relish
- relished
- relishing
- relit
- reload
- reloaded
- re-locate
- reluctance
- reluctant
- reluctantly
- rely
- relying
- rem
- remade
- remain
- remainder
- remainders
- remained
- remaining
- remains
- remake
- remaking
- remanded
- remark
- remarkable
- remarkablest
- remarkably
- remarked
- remarking
- remarks
- remarriage
- rembrandt
- remedial
- remedied
- remedies
- remedy
- remedying
- remember
- remembered
- remembering
- remembers
- remembrance
- remembrancer
- remembrances
- remi
- remind
- reminded
- reminder
- reminders
- reminding
- reminds
- reminisce
- reminiscence
- reminiscences
- reminiscent
- remiss
- remission
- remit
- remittance
- remittances
- remitted
- remitting
- remnant
- remnants
- remodel
- remodeled
- remodeling
- remodelled
- remonstrance
- remonstrances
- remonstrate
- remonstrated
- remorse
- remorseful
- remorsefully
- remorseless
- remorselessly
- remote
- remotely
- remoteness
- remoter
- remotest
- remount
- remounted
- remounts
- removable
- removal
- remove
- removed
- removes
- removing
- remunerated
- remuneration
- remus
- renaissance
- renan
- renata
- renault
- rench
- rend
- render
- rendered
- rendering
- renders
- rendezvous
- rending
- rendition
- rends
- renegade
- renew
- renewable
- renewal
- renewed
- renewing
- renews
- renfrew
- rengger
- reno
- renomination
- renounce
- renounced
- renouncing
- renovate
- renovation
- renown
- renowned
- renshaw
- rent
- rental
- rented
- rent-free
- renting
- rents
- renunciation
- renunciations
- renwick
- reopen
- reopened
- re-opened
- reopens
- reorganization
- reorganize
- reorganized
- reorganizing
- repacked
- repaid
- repair
- repaired
- repairing
- repairs
- reparation
- repartee
- repass
- repassed
- repassing
- repast
- repay
- repaying
- repayment
- repeal
- repealed
- repealing
- repeat
- repeated
- repeatedly
- repeater
- repeating
- repeats
- repel
- repellant
- repelled
- repellent
- repellently
- repelling
- repels
- repent
- repentance
- repentant
- repentantly
- repented
- repenteth
- repenting
- repents
- repertoire
- repetition
- repetitions
- rephidim
- repine
- repining
- replace
- replaced
- replacing
- replenish
- replenished
- replenishing
- replete
- repletion
- replica
- replied
- replies
- reply
- replying
- repnin
- report
- reported
- reporter
- reporters
- reporting
- reports
- repose
- reposed
- reposeful
- reposefulness
- reposing
- repository
- reprehensible
- represent
- representation
- representations
- represented
- representing
- represents
- repress
- repressed
- repressing
- repression
- repressive
- reprieve
- reprieved
- reprimand
- reprimanded
- reprint
- reprinted
- reprints
- reprisal
- reprisals
- reproach
- reproached
- reproaches
- reproachful
- reproachfully
- reproaching
- reprobate
- reprobates
- reprobation
- reproduce
- reproduced
- reproduces
- reproducing
- reproduction
- reproductions
- reproductive
- reproof
- reproofs
- reprove
- reproved
- reproving
- reprovingly
- reptile
- reptiles
- republic
- republican
- republicanism
- republicans
- republics
- republish
- republished
- repudiate
- repudiated
- repudiates
- repudiating
- repudiation
- repugnance
- repugnant
- repulse
- repulsed
- repulsing
- repulsion
- repulsions
- repulsive
- reputable
- reputation
- reputations
- repute
- reputed
- requesens
- request
- requested
- requesting
- requests
- requiem
- require
- required
- requirement
- requirements
- requires
- requiring
- requisite
- requisites
- requisition
- requital
- requite
- requited
- reread
- re-read
- re-reading
- res
- resartus
- rescind
- rescript
- rescue
- rescued
- rescuer
- rescuers
- rescuing
- research
- researches
- resemblance
- resemblances
- resemble
- resembled
- resembles
- resembling
- resent
- resented
- resentful
- resentfully
- resenting
- resentment
- resents
- reservation
- reservations
- reserve
- reserved
- reservedly
- reserves
- reserving
- reservoir
- reservoirs
- reside
- resided
- residence
- residences
- residency
- resident
- residential
- residents
- residenz
- resides
- residing
- residue
- residuum
- resign
- resignation
- resigned
- resignedly
- resigning
- resigns
- resilience
- resin
- resina
- resinous
- resist
- resistance
- resisted
- resisting
- resistless
- resistlessly
- resists
- resk
- resolute
- resolutely
- resolution
- resolutions
- resolve
- resolved
- resolves
- resolving
- resonance
- resonant
- resonantly
- resort
- resorted
- resorting
- resorts
- resound
- resounded
- resounding
- resource
- resourceful
- resourcefulness
- resources
- respect
- respectability
- respectable
- respectable-looking
- respectably
- respected
- respecter
- respectful
- respectfully
- respectfulness
- respecting
- respective
- respectively
- respects
- respectworthy
- respiration
- respirator
- respiratory
- respite
- resplendent
- respond
- responded
- responding
- responds
- response
- responses
- responsibilities
- responsibility
- responsible
- responsive
- rest
- restatement
- restaurant
- restaurants
- rested
- restful
- restfulness
- resting
- resting-place
- restitution
- restive
- restless
- restlessly
- restlessness
- restoration
- restore
- restored
- restores
- restoring
- rest-place
- restrain
- restrained
- restraining
- restrains
- restraint
- restraints
- restrict
- restricted
- restricting
- restriction
- restrictions
- restrictive
- rests
- result
- resultant
- resulted
- resulting
- resultless
- results
- resume
- resumed
- resumes
- resuming
- resumption
- resurrect
- resurrected
- resurrection
- resuscitate
- resuscitated
- resuscitation
- retail
- retain
- retained
- retainer
- retainers
- retaining
- retains
- retake
- retaken
- retaliate
- retaliated
- retaliation
- retaliations
- retard
- retarded
- retarding
- retention
- retentive
- reticence
- reticent
- reticule
- retina
- retinue
- retire
- retired
- retirement
- retires
- retiring
- retold
- retook
- retort
- retorted
- retorting
- retorts
- retouched
- retracing
- retract
- retracted
- retraction
- retrained
- retranslation
- retreat
- retreated
- retreating
- retreats
- retrench
- retrenchment
- retribution
- retributive
- retrieval
- retrieve
- retrieved
- retrograde
- retrogression
- retrospect
- retrospection
- retrospective
- return
- returne
- returned
- returning
- returns
- reuben
- reunion
- reunions
- reunite
- reunited
- reuss
- reuter
- rev
- reveal
- revealed
- revealing
- revealments
- reveals
- reveille
- revel
- revelation
- revelations
- reveled
- revelers
- reveling
- revelled
- reveller
- revellers
- revelling
- revelries
- revelry
- revels
- revenge
- revenged
- revengeful
- revenges
- revenging
- revenue
- revenues
- reverberate
- reverberated
- reverberating
- reverberation
- reverberations
- revere
- revered
- reverence
- reverenced
- reverences
- reverend
- reverent
- reverential
- reverently
- reveres
- reverie
- reveries
- reversal
- reverse
- reversed
- reverses
- reversing
- reversion
- revert
- reverted
- reverting
- revery
- review
- reviewed
- reviewer
- reviewers
- reviewing
- reviews
- revile
- reviled
- reviling
- revilings
- revise
- revised
- revises
- revising
- revision
- revisit
- revisited
- revisiting
- revival
- revivals
- revive
- revived
- revives
- reviving
- revocation
- revoir
- revoke
- revoked
- revolt
- revolted
- revolting
- revolts
- revolution
- revolutionaries
- revolutionary
- revolutionist
- revolutionists
- revolutionize
- revolutionized
- revolutions
- revolve
- revolved
- revolver
- revolvers
- revolves
- revolving
- revue
- revulsion
- reward
- rewarded
- rewarding
- rewards
- rewrite
- re-write
- re-writing
- rewritten
- rewrote
- rex
- reynolds
- rhacotis
- rhagae
- rhakotis
- rhapsodies
- rhapsody
- rheims
- rhesus
- rhetor
- rhetoric
- rhetorical
- rhetorician
- rhetoricians
- rheumatic
- rheumatics
- rheumatism
- rheumatisms
- rhine
- rhino
- rhinoceros
- rhinoceroses
- rhinoceros-hide
- rhode
- rhodes
- rhodesia
- rhodian
- rhodo
- rhododendron
- rhododendrons
- rhodon
- rhodopis
- rhone
- rhubarb
- rhyme
- rhymed
- rhymes
- rhymesters
- rhyming
- rhythm
- rhythmic
- rhythmical
- rhythmically
- rhythms
- rias
- riata
- rib
- ribald
- ribaldry
- riband
- ribband
- ribbands
- ribbed
- ribblevale
- ribbon
- ribbons
- ribby
- ribera
- ribs
- rica
- rice
- rich
- richambeau
- richard
- richards
- richardses
- richardson
- riche
- richelieu
- richemont
- richer
- riches
- richest
- richfield
- richly
- richly-dressed
- richmond
- richness
- richtberg
- richter
- rickets
- ricketts
- rickety
- rico
- ricochet
- ricord
- rid
- ridall
- ridden
- ridding
- riddle
- riddled
- riddles
- ride
- rider
- riderless
- riders
- rides
- ridge
- ridged
- ridgely
- ridges
- ridgeway
- ridicule
- ridiculed
- ridiculous
- ridiculously
- ridiculousness
- riding
- riding-boots
- riding-cloak
- riding-habit
- riding-school
- riding-whip
- ridley
- ridout
- rien
- riesling
- rife
- riffelberg
- riffle
- riffraff
- riff-raff
- rifle
- rifle-barrel
- rifled
- rifle-fire
- riflemen
- rifles
- rifle-shot
- rift
- rifts
- rig
- rigaud
- rigby
- rigdon
- rigged
- rigging
- righdt
- right
- right-about
- right-doing
- righted
- righteous
- righteously
- righteousness
- rightest
- rightful
- rightfully
- right-hand
- righting
- rightly
- right-minded
- rightness
- rights
- rigi
- rigid
- rigidity
- rigidly
- rigi-kulm
- rigor
- rigorous
- rigorously
- rigors
- rigour
- riklein
- riled
- riley
- rilievo
- rill
- rills
- rim
- rime
- rimmed
- rims
- rim-wall
- rind
- rindge
- ring
- ringed
- ring-finger
- ringing
- ringleader
- ringleaders
- ringlets
- ringmaster
- ring-master
- rings
- rink
- rinsed
- rio
- riot
- rioted
- rioter
- rioters
- rioting
- riotous
- riots
- rip
- ripe
- ripen
- ripened
- ripeness
- ripening
- ripens
- riper
- ripest
- ripley
- ripon
- ripped
- ripper
- ripping
- rippingdale
- ripple
- rippled
- ripples
- rippling
- rippoldsau
- rip-raps
- rips
- ripton
- rise
- risen
- riser
- rises
- rising
- risingh
- risings
- risk
- risked
- risking
- risks
- risky
- risson
- ritchie
- rite
- rites
- ritter
- ritual
- rival
- rivaled
- rivalled
- rivalry
- rivals
- rivas
- rive
- riven
- river
- river-bank
- river-banks
- river-bed
- river-boss
- riverdale
- river-driver
- river-drivers
- river-driving
- river-frontage
- riverman
- river-meadows
- rivermen
- river-men
- river-road
- rivers
- riverside
- river-side
- rivervale
- rives
- rivet
- riveted
- rivets
- riviera
- riviere
- rivington
- rivoli
- rivulet
- rivulets
- ro
- road
- road-bed
- roadless
- road-making
- roadmaster
- roads
- roadside
- road-side
- roadsides
- roadstead
- roadway
- road-way
- roam
- roamed
- roaming
- roams
- roan
- roanoke
- roans
- roar
- roared
- roaring
- roarings
- roars
- roast
- roasted
- roasting
- rob
- robbed
- robber
- robberies
- robber-knight
- robbers
- robbery
- robbie
- robbing
- robbins
- robe
- robed
- robert
- roberton
- roberts
- robertson
- robes
- robespierre
- robin
- robing
- robins
- robinson
- robs
- robust
- robustness
- roche
- rochefoucauld
- rochejaquelein
- rocher
- rochester
- rochow
- rock
- rockaway
- rock-bound
- rocked
- rockefeller
- rocker
- rocket
- rockets
- rockies
- rocking
- rocking-chair
- rockingham
- rockland
- rocks
- rockwell
- rocky
- rococo
- rocque
- rod
- rode
- rodent
- rodents
- rodgers
- rodiger
- rodney
- rodoll
- rodrigo
- rods
- roe
- roebuck
- roger
- rogers
- rogue
- roguery
- rogues
- roguish
- rohlfs
- roi
- roisterer
- roisterers
- roland
- role
- rolfe
- roll
- roll-call
- rolled
- rolled-up
- roller
- rollers
- rollicking
- rolling
- rollins
- rollo
- rolls
- roman
- romance
- romancer
- romancers
- romances
- romancing
- romancist
- romanesque
- romanism
- romanists
- romans
- romantic
- romantically
- romanticism
- romanticist
- romanus
- romany
- romanys
- romberg
- rome
- romeo
- romero
- romish
- romp
- romped
- romping
- romulus
- ron
- ronald
- ron-don
- roof
- roofed
- roofless
- roofs
- rooinek
- rook
- rookery
- rooks
- room
- roomed
- roominess
- rooming
- roommate
- room-mate
- rooms
- roomy
- roop
- roosevelt
- roosian
- roost
- roosted
- rooster
- roosters
- roosting
- root
- rooted
- root-fibres
- root-house
- rooting
- rootless
- rootlets
- roots
- rope
- roped
- ropedancer
- rope-dancer
- rope-dancers
- rope-ladder
- ropemaker
- ropes
- rope-walk
- roque
- rory
- rosa
- rosalie
- rosalinde
- rosamond
- rosannah
- rosary
- roscoe
- rose
- roseate
- rosebery
- rose-bloom
- rosebud
- rose-bud
- rose-buds
- rose-bush
- rose-bushes
- rose-clad
- rose-colored
- rose-coloured
- rosecrans
- rose-garland
- rose-leaf
- rose-leaves
- rosellini
- rosemary
- rosenheim
- rose-pink
- rose-red
- roses
- rose-tinted
- rose-tree
- rosetta
- rosetta-stone
- rosette
- rose-water
- rosewood
- rosier
- rosiest
- rosin
- ross
- rossignol
- rossiter
- rossmore
- rostopchin
- rostov
- rostova
- rostovs
- rostrum
- rosy
- rosy-cheeked
- rosy-fingered
- rot
- rotate
- rotation
- rote
- rothfield
- rotorua
- rotted
- rotten
- rottenest
- rottenness
- rottenpach
- rotterbach
- rotterdam
- rotting
- rotund
- rotunda
- roudin
- roue
- rouen
- rouge
- rouged
- rouget
- rough
- rough-and-tumble
- roughened
- rougher
- roughest
- rough-hewn
- roughing
- rough-looking
- roughly
- roughness
- roughs
- rough-shod
- roulant
- rouleaux
- roulette
- roulette-table
- roumania
- roumanian
- roumelian
- rounceville
- round
- roundabout
- rounded
- rounder
- round-faced
- rounding
- round-limbed
- roundly
- roundness
- rounds
- round-shouldered
- round-topped
- round-trip
- round-up
- roupet
- rouse
- rouseabout
- roused
- rouses
- rousing
- rousseau
- roust
- roustabouts
- rousted
- rout
- route
- routed
- routes
- routine
- routinists
- routs
- rove
- roved
- rover
- rovers
- roving
- row
- rowan
- rowboat
- row-boat
- rowboats
- row-boats
- rowdies
- rowdy
- rowed
- rowels
- rowena
- rowens
- roweny
- rower
- rowers
- rowing
- rowlocks
- rows
- roxana
- roxbury
- roxy
- roy
- royal
- royale
- royalist
- royalists
- royally
- royals
- royalties
- royalty
- royce
- royer
- roysterer
- roystering
- rozel
- rub
- rubbage
- rubbed
- rubber
- rubbers
- rubbing
- rubbish
- rube
- rubens
- rubicon
- rubicund
- rubies
- ruble
- rubles
- rubric
- rubs
- ruby
- ruck
- rud
- rudd
- rudder
- ruddiness
- ruddy
- ruddy-faced
- rude
- rudely
- rudeness
- ruder
- rudest
- rudiment
- rudimentary
- rudiments
- rudolf
- rudolph
- rudolphi
- rudolstadt
- rudyard
- rue
- rueful
- ruefully
- ruff
- ruffed
- ruffian
- ruffianly
- ruffians
- ruffle
- ruffled
- ruffles
- ruffs
- rufinus
- rufus
- rug
- rugged
- ruggedness
- ruggles
- ruglen
- rugs
- rui
- ruin
- ruined
- ruining
- ruinous
- ruinously
- ruins
- rule
- ruled
- ruler
- rulers
- rules
- ruling
- rullecour
- rum
- rumania
- rumble
- rumbled
- rumbling
- rumblings
- rumford
- ruminant
- ruminants
- ruminated
- ruminating
- rummaged
- rummaging
- rumor
- rumored
- rumors
- rumour
- rumoured
- rumours
- rump
- rumpled
- rumpold
- rumrill
- rumyantsev
- run
- runabout
- runaway
- runaways
- rung
- runner
- runners
- running
- runs
- runway
- runways
- rupee
- rupees
- rupert
- rupture
- ruptured
- ruputation
- rural
- rurales
- ruse
- ruses
- rush
- rushed
- rushes
- rushing
- rushville
- ruskin
- russe
- russell
- russet
- russia
- russian
- russians
- rust
- rusted
- rustem
- rustic
- rustics
- rusting
- rustle
- rustled
- rustler
- rustlers
- rustling
- rustlings
- rusty
- rusty-looking
- rut
- rutger
- ruth
- ruther
- rutherford
- ruthless
- ruthlessly
- ruthlessness
- rutli
- ruts
- ruttan
- ruysch
- ry
- ryazan
- ryder
- rye
- ryefield
- ryerson
- rykonty
- rys
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