Use dying in a sentence
Sentences starting with dying
- Dying men, however, make few apologies, and I shall make none. [11]
- Dying excommunicated, he became subject to death everlasting. [5]
- Dying would be a much more gentlemanly way of meeting the difficulty. [6]
Sentences ending with dying
- Phanes had been wounded and went to his tent; Aristomachus lay near him, dying. [10]
- He was taken with a cold about three weeks ago, and I stepped over one evening, proposing to beguile an idle hour for him with a yarn or two, but was received at the door with whispers, and the information that he was dying. [5]
- The old couple were dying. [5]
- No drop of water shall cheer thy soul in dying! [11]
- I write merely to let you know that I am neither dead nor dying. [7]
- I came near to dying. [5]
- There she found the stonemason's widow, emaciated and haggard, with matted hair, evidently dying. [10]
- We ran into the other room; there was Fenn on the floor, dying. [11]
- The scene of the brilliant display had become a lake of blood, full of the dead and dying. [10]
- At the time that Elie Mattingley, in Jersey, was awaiting hanging on the Mont es Pendus, and writing his letter to Carterette concerning the stolen book of church records, in a town of Brittany the Reverend Lorenzo Dow lay dying. [11]
Short sentences using dying
- There--it is dying out. [5]
- I was dying of fever. [2]
- The dying man's lips opened. [11]
- He crumpled down, dying. [5]
- I am dying! [10]
- Tom's dying! [5]
Sentences containing dying two or more times
- Brander, I lie here dying, slowly dying, under the blight of Sir Walter. [5]
- The dying man fixed his eyes upon the figure of the dying Saviour.--Give me your hand, he said; and Iris placed her right hand in his left. [6]
- And she was dying to see him; no, not dying, but very much living; and it was very important. [4]
More example sentences with the word dying in them
- I will remain your ally in this matter; for, as Cambyses' dying father appointed me the counsellor of his son in word and deed, I venture occasionally a bold word to arrest his excesses. [10]
- They laugh, as you know, at Praxilla, the poetess, because she makes the dying Adonis lament, when face to face with death, that he is forced to leave the apples and pears behind him. [10]
- He saw it yesterday; said it was dying, then, so I reckon it's dead by this time. [5]
- Above this Damour wrote for himself an order upon the chamberlain of Bercy to enter upon Philip's private apartments in the castle; and thither he was fleeing as Philip lay dying in the dark room of the house in the Rue de Vaugirard. [11]
- I bandaged the wound a Hebrew woman dealt her and she acknowledged that her heart was filled with love for you, and that on her dying bed she regarded you as the idol of her soul. [10]
- Ay, and he would have come if he had not still felt some love for me, if he had not misdoubted himself, and feared that the dying woman might once more light up the fire he had so carefully smothered and crushed out. [10]
- Probably, too, it would have afforded still greater consolation to the poor dying woman, whom nothing troubled so sorely as her guilt for the doom of her unfortunate husband. [10]
- The chief-priest was wont to bear himself stoutly in the field, and now he gives up the command because a dying woman touches his heart. [10]
- Does He behold with smile serene The shows of that unending scene, Where sleepless, hopeless anguish lies, And, ever dying, never dies? [6]
- He always remembered with satisfaction that once when the Cure was absent and he was supposed to be dying, a priest from another parish came, and, the ministrations over, he had made an offering of a gold piece. [11]
- She took turns with her beside his sofa, and did not cry any more, but prayed continually, turning in soul to that Eternal and Unfathomable, whose presence above the dying man was now so evident. [2]
- But your brother, whom we sent to his grave as a bridegroom--he cursed us with his dying breath. [10]
- A pause, in which the cries of the wounded came through the smoke, and then the dying man, feeling the approach of another convulsion, said: "A cigarette, mon ami. [11]
- Now she remembered where the dying woman had heard the phrase. [10]
- A month later when he was more recovered physically he would be able to perform the operation, but the old man was dying now, while he stood helplessly stroking his big brown beard. [11]
- Had I said what I thought, I should have said: even if he had to go on dying, to die continually before my eyes, I should have been happy compared with what I am now. [2]
- Who can say what cows feel, when they surround and stare intently on a dying or dead companion; apparently, however, as Houzeau remarks, they feel no pity. [1]
- Her dying struggles were painful and protracted. [4]
- Now, if I were on my dying bed, I could say to you that not even he has two in his drawing-room. [5]
- That dying pillow was softened by the sweetest domestic affection; and as he lay down to the sleep which the Lord giveth his beloved, his face was as the face of an angel, and his smile seemed to give a glimpse of the opening heavens. [6]
- Was she dying, was she drowning? [11]
- That young count was dying to go, too, but the King held him back for the present. [5]
- I felt he was dying before we came to the ravine. [5]
- Now the sun was already high in the heavens, yet she did not return, though it was long past the time for the bandages to be renewed, and the drops to be given which sustained the life of the dying Minorite in the adjoining room. [10]
- How the grim warriors of the past seem flocking in ghostly squadrons to their ancient battlefield again--how the wails of the dying well up from the--" At this point the horse called Oahu sat down in the sand. [5]
- It was a wail of sorrow, a march to the grave, a benediction, a soft sound of farewell, floating through the room and dying away into the mid-day sun. [11]
- He wants a vicegerent of the Almighty to take his dying hand and bid him godspeed on his last journey. [6]
- This was the very Proculejus whom the dying Antony had recommended to the woman he loved as worthy of her confidence. [10]
- Luke Claridge had understood neither, not his wife when she had said: "Thee should let the Lord do His own work, Luke," nor his dying daughter Mercy, whose last words had been: "With love and sorrow I have sowed; he shall reap rejoicing--my babe. [11]
- One night, late, two soldiers lay dying in a ward. [5]
- And then he turned around, this old simpleton, and looked a long time in a dazed way at Joan where she had her face in a cushion, dying, apparently, and says: "What do you reckon she is laughing at? [5]
- That was why, to-day, she had hesitated to leave Fleda alone and come to Carillon, to be at the bedside of a dying, friendless woman whom by chance she had come to know. [11]
- She still refuses to take the sacrament for the dying, for she won't admit that she is approaching her end. [10]
- If I live to my dying day, I never shall forget its appearance. [4]
- As it were, to lose joy, and glow, and fervour of young, sincere and healthy life, to whip up the dying vitality and morbid brain of a consumptive! [11]
- The Sheriff stooped to lift Bignold up, but Grassette waved them back with a fierce gesture, standing over the dying man. [11]
- He had vowed to his dying mother to remain faithful to the Holy Church and loyally to keep his oath. [10]
- He wanted us to help him invite his guests, and we did it--one can refuse nothing to a dying friend. [5]
- I was sorry to have my name mentioned as one of the great authors, because they have a sad habit of dying off. [5]
- We are dying to get a look at him, of course--though there is a horrid story about him--that he has the evil eye did you ever hear about the evil eye? [6]
- He had retired to Crotona in the neighborhood of Pythagoras and there passed his time in reflection, dying with the tranquillity of a philosopher. [10]
- Supposing we were to carry out our friend's dying wish? [10]
- I ordered one to be prepared for Jungfrau Ortlieb, though I remembered the dying woman who kept her. [10]
- I have no time to turn round, a young lady visitor (schoolmate of Livy's) is dying in the house of typhoid fever (parents are in South Carolina) and the premises are full of nurses and doctors and we are all fagged out. [5]
- But after a time Mr. Brownson found he had mistaken his church, and went over to the Roman Catholic establishment, of which he became and remained to his dying day one of the most stalwart champions. [6]
- We could hear through the door the good priest's voice in prayer and benediction, pronouncing absolution over the dying man, and at times my grand uncle's wrathful tones, feeble indeed, but terrible to hear. [10]
- Only once did they pass any human being, and that was when they came upon a camp of road-builders, where a red light burned, and two men slept in the open by a dying fire. [11]
- When at length they had all departed, Jethro rose and went about the house making fast the doors, as was his custom, while Cynthia sat staring through the bars at the dying embers in the stove. [9]
- I hurried to them, and found one dead, and the other dying, and dagger wounds in both, for the assault had been at such close quarters that the horseman had had no chance to use a pistol. [11]
- They neither of them ever regretted it; for though she was a quiet woman, and to her dying day spoke Greek like a foreigner, the old man often said she was his best counsellor. [10]
- They appear with their wings, of course, because they are on official service, and because the dying persons wouldn't know they were angels if they hadn't wings--but do you reckon they fly with them? [5]
- Underbred people tease their sick and dying friends to death. [6]
- The pride of the world in sculptures seem to be the Laocoon and the Dying Gladiator, in Rome. [5]
- Then, leaning over the table towards the dying man, he added: "You let her die-well! [11]
- Sokolov, one of the soldiers in the shed with Pierre, was dying, and Pierre told the corporal that something should be done about him. [2]
- The chanting of the service ceased, and the voice of the priest was heard respectfully congratulating the dying man on having received the sacrament. [2]
- But now, when the reverend Father came toward the dying man with the Body of the Lord, there was so dreadful and sorrowful a sight to be seen as I may never forget to my latter day. [10]
- Then one of the lions was pierced by a lance, and sank with a dying roar of rage and pain that was heard above all the tumult. [10]
- To Phaedime's despair the king ordered all the inhabitants of the harem, except his mother, Atossa and the dying Nitetis, to be removed to Susa, two days after the accused had been declared innocent. [10]
- And, speaking generally, the evidence of dying men in favor of any belief is to be received with great caution. [6]
- The fires of the enemy were dying down, and only here and there Arabs gossiped or drank coffee by the embers. [11]
- McGregor and brought the dying soldier the comforting news that enough of his books were already sold to provide generously for his family, and that the sales would aggregate at least twice as much by the end of the year. [5]
- After Charmian, at the dying man's request, had given him some wine, he found strength to speak coherently, instead of moaning and sighing. [10]
- While doing so, the dying man had expressed the desire that Don Luis would commend Geronimo to the love of his son Philip. [10]
- She knew how the dying look, and that the hand of death already touched this sufferer. [10]
- Do not let the dying die; hold them back to this world, until you have charged their ear and heart with this message to other spiritual societies, announcing the melioration of our planet:-- "'Incertainties now crown themselves assured, And Peace proclaims olives of endless age. [6]
- While wavering between the duty which, as a physician, she owed the sufferer and the impulse not to refuse the request of a dying woman, she read in old Nun's eyes an entreaty to obey Kasana's wish, and with drooping head left the tent. [10]
- The Cure recalled the death-bed of Louis Trudel, and the dying man's strange agitation. [11]
- Behind the hut the dark shapes of the two wagons with their horses beside them were discernible, and in the hollow the dying campfire gleamed red. [2]
- It stands twice the chance of the other of dying in hospital, in jail, in debt, in bad repute. [6]
- He judged by the cautious movements of those who crowded round the invalid chair that they had lifted the dying man and were moving him. [2]
- A smile lighted the blanched face of the dying man. [11]
- He dwelt upon the admission of base wrong in Col. Selby's dying statement. [5]
- Whenever he felt that warm fluid on his tongue he was certain of his doom, and the horror of slowly dying oppressed him, angered him. [11]
- Still others said that the vision came but once, and then only to the sinless dying forlorn in distant lands and pitifully longing for some last dear reminder of their home. [5]
- I am told that in a German concert or opera, they hardly ever encore a song; that though they may be dying to hear it again, their good breeding usually preserves them against requiring the repetition. [5]
- Because she perceived that his love was dying, she had awakened this fatal passion. [10]
- The first idea that flashed upon her mind was flight, instant flight; dragging him from that place, and rather dying of want upon the roadside, than ever exposing him again to such terrible temptations. [12]
- It was cruel that at the door of the dead or the dying there should be such levity. [11]
- But now I'll tell it--I think I'd have told it whether I was dying or not, though. [11]
- Epileptics used to suck the blood from the wounds of dying gladiators. [3]
- He was a strong man, and by his aid the dying Roman was seized, drawn upon the scaffolding, and carried down the staircase to the tomb in the first story. [10]
- Cardanus gets a story from Avicenna, of a certain man bit by a serpent, who recovered of his bite, the snake dying therefrom. [6]
- Just outside, the steward met a deacon who had been giving the blessing of the Church to a poor creature dying of the pestilence, and in a few minutes they were standing by the widow's bed. [10]
- The fighting and starving and dying by bullets and disease went steadily on. [5]
- We should all start rich, and the dying off of those who would never attain youth would amply provide fortunes for those born old. [4]
- He heard her spoken of, here and there, in his calls and ministrations to the sick and dying. [4]
- Mrs. Clemens, in spite of her frail health, devoted much time to her dying friend, until by the time the end came she was herself in a precarious condition. [5]
- My great-grandfather, eldest son of the Duke of Bridgewater, fled to this country about the end of the last century, to breathe the pure air of freedom; married here, and died, leaving a son, his own father dying about the same time. [5]
- I remember saying something, in one of a series of papers published long ago, about the experience of dying out of a house,--of leaving it forever, as the soul dies out of the body. [6]
- He called for something to drink, saying that he was dying of thirst. [10]
- And then, again, some of our old beliefs are dying out every year, and others feed on them and grow fat, or get poisoned as the case may be. [6]
- Gradually, to these soldier-thinkers, as well as to the mass of others at home, is unfolding the vision of a new social order which is indeed worth fighting for and dying for. [9]
- As the world slipped away from him, a soft shoulder caught his head, and out of a vast distance there came to him the wailing cry: "He is dying! [11]
- To study the skillful tactics and aims of Napoleon and his army from the time it entered Moscow till it was destroyed is like studying the dying leaps and shudders of a mortally wounded animal. [2]
- From all these signs Cleopatra now saw plainly, in her lover's victory, only the last flicker of a dying fire; but so long as it burned he should see her follow its light. [10]
- Philippus heaved a sigh of relief when the ecclesiastics had departed, and constantly renewed the wet compress, while the dying governor lay for a long time in silence with his eyes shut. [10]
- We do not shun our dying friends; the not having distinctly taken leave of one among them, whom we left in all kindness and affection, will often embitter the whole remainder of a life. [12]
- Amid his loud shrieks of agony one of Pompey's veterans shouted, 'Dead dogs no longer bite, but they howl when dying! [10]
- An hour later she was standing by another bedside--her dying husband's. [10]
This page helps answer: how do I use the word dying in a sentence? How do you use dying in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word dying? It contains example sentences with the word dying, a sentence example for dying, and dying in sample sentence.