Use diseased in a sentence
Sentences ending with diseased
- The mind loses the power of discrimination, the taste is lowered, and the appetite becomes diseased. [4]
- The king was saying--in the middle of something he'd started in on-- "--they bein' partickler friends o' the diseased. [5]
- And who shall cry out against that egotism with which all are diseased? [11]
More example sentences with the word diseased in them
- I could tell you exactly what the difficulty is;--which would be as intelligible and amusing as a watchmaker's description of a diseased timekeeper to a ploughman. [6]
- As she was undressing, her maid showed her a diseased date. [10]
- All kinds of thoughts had raged through his diseased mind. [11]
- From observations like these we can obtain certain principles from which we can argue deductively to facts of a like nature, but the process is limited, and we are suspicious of all reasoning in that direction applied to the processes of healthy and diseased life. [3]
- Why it is the most ludicrous spectacle, the most inconsistent and incongruous spectable, contrivable by even the most diseased imagination. [5]
- The explanation pleased the king, and from that moment his diseased mind was possessed by one new idea to the exclusion of all others--the seizure and slaughter of the Magi. [10]
- Dr. Simpson attended the dissection of two of Dr. Sidey's cases, and freely handled the diseased parts. [3]
- She admired his spirit, she had a certain sympathy with him; for who could say that ministering to minds diseased might not have a physical influence to lift these people into a more decent and prosperous way of living? [4]
- But if originally sound and subsequently diseased, there has certainly been some excess, deficiency, or wrong quality in the materials or stimuli applied to it. [3]
- But what bitter satire, what relentless dissection of diseased subjects! [14]
- There was the same quirk at the corner of the mouth, the same humour in the strong face, not so ruddy now; and strangely enough the eyes were neither guarded by spectacles, nor were they shrunken, glazed, or diseased, so far as could be seen. [11]
- Once he even said, in so many words, that our people down here were quite interesting to him, notwithstanding they were so dull and ignorant and trivial and conceited, and so diseased and rickety, and such a shabby, poor, worthless lot all around. [5]
- For a despotic ruler is like a fiery steed; the latter endeavors to kick him who touches his wounds with intent to heal; the former punishes him who lays a hand on the weak or failing points of his diseased mind. [10]
- In his diseased ravings he called himself the Prince of Wales, and bravely doth he keep up the character. [5]
- In short, the ordinary criminal is unsound and diseased in mind and body. [4]
- And now, by order of Cauchon, an ecclesiastic named Nicholas Midi preached a sermon, wherein he explained that when a branch of the vine--which is the Church--becomes diseased and corrupt, it must be cut away or it will corrupt and destroy the whole vine. [5]
- My diseased throat may have something to do with that, however. [5]
- That the book is a deliberate and wicked creation of a diseased mind, is apparent upon every page. [5]
- We may, for instance, return in a measure to the Brunonian stimulating system, but it must be in a modified way, for we cannot go back to the simple Brunonian pathology, since we have learned too much of diseased action to accept its convenient dualism. [3]
- Against a diseased imagination, demonstration goes for nothing. [5]
- On recovering consciousness, I found that three teeth had been knocked into my mouth, the diseased one and two others, which though healthy, would probably at some future time have caused me pain. [10]
- Some of these faces are pimply; some exhibit other signs of diseased blood; some show scars of a tint out of a harmony with the surrounding shades of color. [5]
- I have no doubt that some of those who were looking at this pitiable morbid secretion of the diseased social organism thought they were very virtuous for hating him so heartily. [6]
- But of course as soon as his mind cleared and these diseased imaginings passed away, he shuddered at the repulsive thought, and earnestly prayed that it might visit him no more. [5]
- Undoubtedly there is a strong tendency in the pursuits of the medical profession to produce disbelief in that figment of tradition and diseased human imagination which has been installed in the seat of divinity by the priesthood of cruel and ignorant ages. [6]
- The King said-- "'Twas not according to his schooling and ability, but showeth that his mind is but diseased, not stricken fatally. [5]
This page helps answer: how do I use the word diseased in a sentence? How do you use diseased in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word diseased? It contains example sentences with the word diseased, a sentence example for diseased, and diseased in sample sentence.