Use deterred in a sentence
More example sentences with the word deterred in them
- Dion had often wished to set sail with his wife for a great city in Syria or Greece, but fresh and mighty obstacles had deterred him. [10]
- Had the men who were to arrest him or inquisitive visitors not allowed themselves to be deterred even by the late hour? [10]
- I understand as well Dr. Latham's fear "that many men of the best abilities and good education will be deterred from prosecuting physic as a profession, in consequence of the necessity indiscriminately laid upon all for impossible attainments. [3]
- Family influence deterred the captain from placing this man under arrest, and even Dr. Franklin found trouble, some years after, in bringing about his dismissal from the service. [9]
- Did he not possess the knowledge of everything that might have deterred another from wooing her? [10]
- She was like one possessed of a spirit that would not be deterred from its purpose. [11]
- Reuben, the husband of her sorrowful ward whom fear of disappointment still deterred from yielding to his newly-awakened hopes, was a quiet, reticent man, so the first messenger did not know whether he was among the liberated prisoners. [10]
- By your doctrine, it is simplicity itself: outside influences moved your interior Master to give the order; stronger outside influences deterred him. [5]
- Something in her face deterred him from this act,--something which he himself did not understand or define. [9]
- Perhaps he was deterred by the knowledge that the author of "The Columbiad" suspected him, though unjustly, of some strictures on his great epic. [4]
- This much, of course, she knew--that Brampton believed Bob Worthington to be in love with her: and the knowledge at such times made her so miserable that the thought of Jethro's isolation alone deterred her from asking Miss Lucretia Penniman for a position in Boston. [9]
- Their mass oppressed but never deterred him. [8]
This page helps answer: how do I use the word deterred in a sentence? How do you use deterred in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word deterred? It contains example sentences with the word deterred, a sentence example for deterred, and deterred in sample sentence.